Why lighting can dramatically improve your videos

Wildwood Media

You’ve seen it over and over again, videos shot by non-professionals that take your breath away with their quality. You want to emulate them, but you’ve no idea how they’ve managed to do it. As someone who delivers videography in London, Northampton, and across the south east, I wanted to share with you what makes…

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How videography agencies can help generate revenue for your business

Wildwood Media

Over the past 20 years, the marketing world has changed beyond recognition. Gone are the days when businesses had to rely solely on print in newspapers and radio advertising to deliver their message. Instead, businesses can advertise on a host of different platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and even LinkedIn, taking full advantage of their…

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Five Beautiful Filming Locations in Northampton

Wildwood Media

There are many wonderful filming locations all over the United Kingdom, but few can compare to the beauty of Northampton. Whether you’re looking for historic architecture or natural scenery, you’ll find it all in this charming town located in the heart of England. Check out our list of five of the most beautiful filming locations…

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5 Benefits of Hiring a Video Production Agency for Marketing

Wildwood Media

No matter the size of your company, having video marketing for your business has many advantages. If people engage well with your video, they are more likely to remember what your business is about and share it across different platforms, as well as recommend your company to new potential customers. Having a custom video made…

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Top tips to take the stress out of filming

Wildwood Media

Producing a film for your business or organisation can be stressful. There’s no getting away from it – there’s a lot to think about and to organise. From budgets and filming locations, to working out who will write the scripts and how to use the equipment correctly – it can be treacherous terrain when you’re…

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How To Tackle Sensitive Topics in a Public Awareness Film

Wildwood Media

Public awareness films produced by government agencies or charities, for example, are usually serious in topic and tone, with a strong message. The risk here is that the wrong balance of content can quickly make a film fear-inducing or depressing for the audience, which may detract from its purpose. While most people acknowledge that these…

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5 Reasons Aerial Filming Is Good For Business

Wildwood Media

What was once a funky contraption you’d only see in sci-fi films on the big screen has now become mainstream. And you should be using them. We are, of course, talking about drones… Those flying robots in the sky that made headlines for shutting down Gatwick airport. But aerial filming (when used by professionals following…

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How to Create Compelling Films On A Budget

Wildwood Media

You’d be forgiven for immediately seeing £££ signs when you think of filmmaking – it can take up a significant amount of your time and budget. And for a lot of people this can put them off from even attempting to create one. But all is not lost! You don’t always have to have a…

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Why do we hate seeing ourselves on screen?

Hiding from the camera

  My history with the camera and film production is long. I’ve been making films since I was, well, too young to really remember, but it’s been a long, long time: let’s just put it that way! When I was making those films as a child I would put myself in front of the camera…

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The Importance of Online Video Marketing for Your Business

video marketing

As the online world grows and more and more people head online to find businesses and products, it is important that your business marketing moves along also. This is where online video marketing for your business comes in. Corporate videos have found their way onto the web and have been solidified as a key influence…

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