Why is Video Such an Effective Communication Tool?

Why is Video Such an Effective Communication Tool?

If you have spent much time browsing the web, you will know that there are more videos than ever before. This is because a lot of businesses are using video for marketing, communication and building a relationship with their target market.


Here’s Why Video is Important for Audience Communication


  • Videos Are Attention Grabbing and Engaging – With so much content online, it’s important for yours to stand out. Videos do a great job of making a statement and engaging an audience, as they are hard to miss. It’s unlikely that someone will scroll past a video without their attention being grabbed.


  • Videos Are Often Shared Online – Though blogs and graphics are shared online, a high-quality video is more likely to be shared. This means that the number of people seeing the video increases, which in turn increases awareness and broadens the target audience. When someone watches a video they like, they are likely to share it with family and friends on social media.


  • Videos Showcase Professionalism and Trust – By taking the time to have a high-quality video created, you are showcasing professionalism and trust. With a video, it’s possible to show an audience that you are an authoritative voice within the industry and you know what you’re talking about. After all, only trustworthy and reliable businesses are going to invest in video marketing.


  • Videos Clearly Convey Information – There’s no denying that information can get lost in lengthy text and readers often only skim the key points, searching for the specific answer they need. However, this is rarely the case with video. Video clearly conveys an abundance of information and it does so in a memorable, engaging and informative way. It’s a good choice for any business that’s hoping to provide an audience with product or service information, as key points can be given in a way that’s easy to understand.

As you can see, there are a number of impressive benefits that come from using video as a marketing medium. If you need to communicate with an audience, video is a good way to do so. As well as being engaging and memorable, a video is highly shareable and this increases the potential reach.


As a video production company based in Kent we operate nationwide. We produce a lot of corporate videos in London, including animation, live streaming, branded content and promotional films. Although we’ve worked on some great London based corporate promotional films and branded content, we do love traveling far and wide, we can even film internationally!


So if you find the need for video production in the UK, be it a corporate video, animation for business, live streaming, branded content, aerial filming or photography, we can help!

Get in touch today to learn more

Telephone Chris on 01622 200567

