Video Podcasts – 3 Reasons to Record or Live Stream Your Podcasts

If you know anything about entertainment and content, you will know that podcasts are hugely popular. They are a convenient way to provide information and entertain listeners, as well as being a good way to market a product or service. However, podcasts are not just there to be listened to. There are benefits that come with recording or live streaming your podcast episodes.

Why You Should Record or Live Video Stream Podcasts

  • Connect With Your Audience – There is no underestimating the importance of connecting with an audience, especially if you are hosting a podcast. With no shortage of podcasts out there, connecting with the audience is a vital part of building a loyal following. This is made a lot easier when you record or live stream your episodes, as people can put a face to the name. Rather than simply being a faceless voice, you become a person and an individual.


  • Do Something Different and Stand Out – There are a lot of different podcasts out there, so standing out and making a statement is key. Though there are some people already filming and streaming their podcasts, this isn’t the case for everyone and it’s still somewhat unique. By recording or live streaming your podcast, you can stand out and make a statement. It’s a great way to garner attention and engage an audience.


  • Appeal to a Wider Audience – Many people enjoy listening to a podcast; they may listen in the car, have it on when they are cleaning or listen on their daily commute. However, there are others who prefer to watch the content they enjoy in video form. When you film or stream the podcast, you are appealing to a much wider audience. You won’t just appeal to those who want to listen, but those who want to watch also.


As you can see, there are a number of reasons as to why you should record or live stream a podcast. As a media production company, we understand the importance of high quality video production in the UK and that’s exactly what we offer. With a tonne of experience and passion, we are on hand to help. To find out more, get in touch with Wildwood Media.