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With Video Production, Every Production Is Different

video production approaches

As we’ve commented before on our posts, it’s not simply a case of ‘making a video’ for clients. We want to get to know about our client’s goals, not just for the video question but for the company as a whole. We look at their branding and other communications. We think about what the key messages are for this particular video production and why it’s been requested.

I hope to produce a new stream of blog posts regarding certain projects to show the different approaches for the various projects we produce. Sometimes the project might have a certain style, pace or an interesting creative angle.

The first project we’re going to look at is a narrative film we produced for Kent and Medway NHS Social Care and Partnership Trust (KMPT). KMPT helps patients with various mental health issues and we’ve enjoyed a long and productive relationship with them. We’ve produced many videos covering promos, blogs, internal information films, patient guides – the list goes on. Last year we were asked to look into the idea of producing a film to show three patients journeys through KMPT. However, we were not able to show real patients.

The video was initially designed to show to new staff, but it was so well received that it eventually became a public facing film.  The film had to show the realities of certain mental health conditions while also showing the positive effects that staff can have on its patients.

Along with a project team from within the NHS we set about producing the film as a narrative production. This meant that while it would be true to the conditions and journeys of patients, the key characters shown were not real – meaning that we could not only show them on camera but also give an example of what their stories were. Although this was all put into a 10-minute film, it remained true to the aims and objectives of the organisation and the purposes of this video production.

Our production team included a Director of Photography and key camera operator, make-up artist, camera assistant, sound design and director. We also had transport operators and catering on set. We worked with various actors and real NHS staff to fill the roles required on screen.

Because of the sensitivity of this issues, the importance of getting key aspects right and also the requirements of making a narrative dramatic film, the production took many months to complete. From an initial meeting in July 2016, we didn’t complete production until January 2017. Our average turnaround for a business video production is one month, but in this, case it required a longer period.

The film was very well received by the client and needless to say we very proud of this individual and special film.

If you have a video production idea that you would like us to help on, whether it’s a similar approach to the above or something different, then let us know. You can see further examples of our work on our main page.

Get in touch! 01622 200567

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