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So You Want a Corporate Video, But Don’t Know Where to Start

corporate video

We’re sure by now, as a business owner, you’ve heard of how a corporate video can benefit the business as a whole. But, where do you start? It’s all well and good knowing that you need a corporate video and having a rough idea of what you’d like it to focus on, but actually having a video made and ensuring it’s going to work in the way you want it to is a little less clear. Luckily, that’s where corporate video production experts like us come in.

Corporate Video: The Process


When it comes to having a corporate video and video content made for your business it is important to decide on what type of video you want. Is the video going to promote the business as a whole? Is the video focusing on a new business venture? Are you trying to highlight some key services you offer? Though it is important to have a video on your website, having a poor quality video is not useful and can actually work against you. So, ensure you have a professional video production company, such as the team here at Wildwood Media, to help.

There are different ways corporate videos can be used, such as:

The type of corporate video you need will have an affect on the way in which it is created. For example, a video with the goal of selling a product will need to come from a promotional angle, whereas an explainer video will be much more relaxed and less about the hard sell. If you are looking to have more than one video created a key tip is to keep the videos different and fun, rather than having the same design and story reproduced over and over again.

There’s a lot to consider when making a corporate video and this is something a lot of people don’t realise. That is why we take the time to discuss all videos with our clients and get to know them and their services before we begin filming. There’s a lot to think about when making video content – the length of the video, colour, branding, budgets, scheduled and more – so we liaise back and forth constantly to ensure everything is perfect.

Wildwood Media Corporate Video Production

At Wildwood Media we offer corporate video production to all types of businesses and have a lot of experience in doing so. We firmly believe that no one knows your business better than you, so we put a lot of emphasis on communication and using a business owner’s insight to our advantage. Whether you choose Wildwood Media or a different corporate video production company, be sure to choose a team that understands the importance of planning the video rather than simply making whatever springs to mind first.

To find out more about Wildwood Media and our video content, get in touch! We allow you to be as involved as you want to be and tailor all of our projects to you.

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