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5 Ways to Keep Sane While Working Remotely

stressed man

Though there are a number of benefits that come with working remotely, it can be a strain on mental health. A lot of people find working remotely to be difficult in terms of productivity and loneliness, but there are ways to stay sane and embrace a new working environment.

How to Stay Motivated Whilst Working From Home


  1. Take Regular Breaks – It doesn’t matter where you are working, it’s important to take regular breaks. However, this is especially important when you are working remotely. It’s easy to lose track of standard working hours when you are working remotely, but forgetting to take breaks can lead to burnout.
  1. Listen to (or Play!) Upbeat and Motivating Music – Regardless of whether you are listening to music or playing an instrument, music is a great way to keep sane when you are working remotely. Music impacts mood hugely, meaning that upbeat and motivating music can give you a boost. A lot of people feel relaxed and centred after listening to their favourite playlists.
  1. Stay Focused and Relaxed with Yoga – If you find it difficult to stay focused when you are working remotely, consider trying yoga. Yoga is a good way to relax and unwind, which can boost concentration and focus when it comes to working. Rather than feeling stressed and overwhelmed mentally, use yoga as a way to focus on yourself.
  1. Try Not to Watch Netflix All Day – It can be very tempting to wander away from work and into the world of Netflix. We have all spent an entire day binge watching a brand new series, but it’s not something you should be doing every day. Not only does watching Netflix all day massively hinder your work life, it can also hinder productivity in your personal life.
  1. Hang Out With Friends Remotely – Though there are certainly benefits that come with working remotely (who doesn’t enjoy an extra hour in bed, no commute and the comfort of being able to work in your pjs?),  there is no denying that the lack of socialising can be a problem. It’s very easy to feel lonely and distant when you’re working from home all day, only seeing those you live with and your furry companion. To combat this, arrange to hang out with friends remotely. There are a tonne of apps – Houseparty, Zoom and FaceTime – that make it easy to hang out with friends remotely. It’s a great way to unwind and destress.

Wildwood Media are a video production company based just out of London in Kent. During this lockdown period we offer animation, explainer videos, live streaming services and limited but effective video production services. If you have any video production requirements currently or are looking to plan ahead for after the situation eases up then please do get in touch.

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