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How videography agencies can help generate revenue for your business

Wildwood Media

Over the past 20 years, the marketing world has changed beyond recognition. Gone are the days when businesses had to rely solely on print in newspapers and radio advertising to deliver their message. Instead, businesses can advertise on a host of different platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and even LinkedIn, taking full advantage of their large networks and ability to connect with a global audience.

Over the past 20 years, the marketing world has changed beyond recognition. Gone are the days when businesses had to rely solely on print in newspapers and radio advertising to deliver their message. Instead, businesses can advertise on a host of different platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and even LinkedIn, taking full advantage of their large networks and ability to connect with a global audience.

All these options can make it difficult for businesses to know where to commit their advertising spend to ensure maximum exposure.

This is where a video production agency comes in. If you’re looking for the best way to get your message across, video is an incredibly compelling tool – plus, it can be used on multiple social media platforms allowing you to reach the widest possible audience with minimum repurposing.

Here are some of our reasons why investing in a video production company can help grow your business…

You will be found more easily on Google

The internet’s biggest search engine uses several factors to determine who ranks high in search results, including user experience. The higher you rank on Google’s results page, the more likely it is that people will see your company when they search for products or services that are similar to yours. Well-made videos can help boost your ranking on Google because they give users a good experience and valuable information about your company, making them more likely to do business with you.

Well-made videos also let potential customers know what kind of company they are dealing with. People spend a lot of time researching companies before committing to a sale, so a high-quality video on your landing page can positively impact potential customers. A good video is far more likely to grab the attention than reams of text, especially if it’s relevant to why they came to the site in the first place. If visitors can’t find what they came for quickly, then they’ll move on, so an engaging, relevant video can be worth its weight in gold.

You can make a greater impact online

Video is a fantastic medium for showcasing your products and services, perhaps better than any other. It grabs attention quickly and holds it for longer. Most people watch videos on their phones – which they pick up 58 times a day and spend up to three-and-a-half hours a day looking at – so it’s not a bad idea to get some of your own compelling content in front of them if you want them to pay you any attention.

If a video is good enough for someone to stop what they are doing and watch it, there’s a higher chance of them doing business with you. You can use the video as a gateway – link it back to your website, and social media accounts to give interested viewers a look at the services you offer and allow them to get to know your business better.

People respond better to visual images over texts

Videos are more engaging than images and text. When it comes to browsing, people are more likely to remember videos as they can be used to tell a story and illustrate points in a way that images or texts cannot do alone. This means your audience can engage more with your content and understand your message, which can turn browsers into buyers of your product or service.

You will get more attention on social media

Video is the perfect way to captivate your audience, and social media is the perfect promotion tool, making them a great pairing. By creating content that is memorable, your video is sure to be shared by your friends on platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

You can also utilise channels such as YouTube and harness its power of captivating new audiences. YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world, so it makes sense to create a video that is suitable for this platform to gain more exposure. Plus, having a professionally produced video on the landing page of your website will give new visitors confidence that working with you is a good investment and worth their money and time.

A good corporate video is timeless

The possibilities for what you can use a well-produced, professional video for are endless. Whether it’s an advert for your business or to showcase your company’s services, video gives your audience a unique way to engage with your message.

There is so much more to making a corporate video than a good plan and script – there is also the editing process. This can be very time-consuming and, if not done correctly, can make your business look unprofessional. This is why it is important to invest in a company with the skills and knowledge to create a video that will captivate your audience and make sure your business is remembered.

By creating a beautiful and professional video that grabs your audience, your video will not only attract new customers but will also provide an opportunity for your existing customers to reach out to you with more work. And here at Wildwood Media, we want to help you do that. We know how to read the market and create engaging and relevant content. We can use our considerable knowledge and experience to meet your objectives to deliver a video that will impress potential clients.

As a video production company with bases in London, Kent and Northampton, we are here to handle your video production needs. Wildwood Media can create a professional and engaging video for you regardless of your industry and the type of business you have. To find out more about video production in Northampton, London, Kent and across the UK,  schedule a call with us today to start your video project.

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