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Checking In

aerial filming

When I started this blog it was with the hope to keep everyone up-to-date with the happenings at Wildwood Media. I wanted it to be my chance, as Managing Director of Wildwood Media, to give a voice to the company beyond our videos. Thanks to some exciting projects and plans (more on those another time) the blog has had to take a back seat for now. We’ve been busy working on a number of films for the NHS this summer and talking with some new clients over some exciting work.

We’ve also been engaging in further aerial filming, including a great shoot in Canary Wharf.

So the blog is very much alive – and will be even more so when we reveal some of our exciting new plans.

Summer has been a really great month for Wildwood Media, the short time I did get out the office I managed to have some wonderful adventures with my son, not least of all taking him bodyboarding for the first time – which was great fun. We also caught some films at the cinema, notably Pete’s Dragon, Swallows and Amazons and Finding Nemo. All three were great. I used to watch the original Swallows and Amazons all the time when I was young and this remake came out of nowhere – but it was really great fun and highly recommended.

Back to work now – and with (hopefully) regular blog posts again!

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